Caitlin Cunningham
April 20 - May 25, 2013
Opening reception April 20, 7-10pm
sophiajacob is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Caitlin Cunningham. Keeping with recurrent themes in the artist’s work, this project parodies misogyny in modern art and its relationship to perpetually consumed depictions of idyllic landscapes and escape-fantasies. Caitlin’s exhibition grows from an inquiry into the mythology of Paul Gauguin and the venerable choke-hold of tourism in the area known as Tahiti (French Polynesia).
My process involves reading, writing, making objects inspired by the master, using the paint colors he did according to Eyewitness books, and assembling relevant ephemera into illogical but possibly related narratives. ~ CC
Caitlin Cunningham (b. 1983, Chicago) holds a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and currently resides in Baltimore. Notable group exhibitions include Gran Prix, curated by Gresham's Ghost, Black Foliage curated by Matthew Craven, Glass House at Nudashank, and Encountering Nature at Towson University. Last fall, Caitlin organized a two-person exhibition of potted weeds at the Rawlings Conservatory in Baltimore. This will be Caitlin's first solo exhibition.
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